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Fifth Convocation 2081 (2025) Notice and Form(English form are only for Foreigner Candidate's) DM/MCH Clinical Practicle Exam Routine Asst. Prof. in Speech and Language Pathology Asst. Prof. in Audiology BSLP उम्मेदवारहरुकाे अन्तर्वाता सम्बन्धी सूचना Counseling Class Commencing date Contact Focal Person for BOVS Bhairahawa करार सेवामा पदपूर्ति सम्बन्धी विज्ञापन रद्द गरिएको तथा दरखास्त दस्तुर बुझिलिने सम्बन्धी सूचना । DM / MCh. Final Exam BASLP कार्यक्रम संञ्चालन गर्न करार सेवामा शिक्षक लिने सम्बन्धी सूचना Fellowship Entrance Exam Result 2081(2024) Result for Nursing Faculty सूचना Nursing Faculties Recruitment Written Exam Result 2081 Nursing Faculties Recruitment Written Exam Result 2081 Nursing Faculties Recruitment Written Exam Result 2081 Academic Activities Record Sheet सूचना Thesis Reminder Notice घर भाडा लिने सम्बन्धी सूचना सूचना Fellowship गराईने विषयहरु र सिट संख्या विभिन्‍न विषयमा Fellowship कार्यक्रममा भर्नासम्‍बन्धी सूचना MD Supplementary Exam 2081 लिखित परीक्षा सञ्‍चालन सम्बन्धी सूचना फार्मेसी सहायक(पांचौ तह) करार सेवामा कर्मचारी लिने सम्बन्धी सूचना फार्मेसी सहायक(पांचौ) Final Thesis Notice करार सेवामा नर्सिङ्ग शिक्षक लिने सम्बन्धि संशोधित सूचना परिपत्र एक वर्षे Anesthesia Assistance Course को अन्तिम परीक्षाको नतिजा करार सेवामा नर्सिङ्ग शिक्षक फारम करार सेवामा नर्सिङ्ग शिक्षक लिने सम्बन्धी सूचना Click To View Or Download Full Details Anesthesia Assistant Course विधार्थी भर्ना सम्वन्धि सूचना Click To View Or Download Anesthesia Assistant Course(AAC) Entrance Exam Result सूचना करार सेवाका लागि दरखास्‍त आव्‍हान सम्‍बन्‍धी सूचना MD/MS/MDS Regular/Supplementary Final Examination Result Orientation Program for MS/MSc MIT Students 2080/81 Batch Orientation Program for MD/MS/MDS Residents 2080/81 Batch Training in Medical Education for 2nd Year MD/MS/MDS Resident , MN 1st Year & MSc. MIT 1st Year Student MD/MS/MDS तहको अन्तिम परिक्षा को कार्यक्रम तथा परिक्षा फोर्म भर्ने सूचना २०८० उम्मेदवार सिफारिस सम्बन्धि सूचना करार सेवामा कर्मचारी लिने सम्बन्धि शैक्षिक सत्र २०८०/८१ प्रथम बर्षको अध्ययन कार्यक्रम सम्बन्धि सूचना मेडिकल अफिसर उमेदवार सिफारिस गरिएको सूचना प्रेस विज्ञप्ती संशोधित परिक्षा कार्यक्रम प्रकाशन गरिएको सूचना Exam Schedule !! Vacancy Announcement for ( Medical Officer and Staff Nurse) !!

Orthopedics and Traumatology

Orthopedics and Traumatology


Since the beginning of service in Bir hospital, orthopedics and trauma service was providing. At the beginning orthopedics and trauma was under the general surgeon but from 1978 B.S,the orthopedic surgeon ran orthopedics service separately. As the advent of postgraduate education in Bir hospital as NAMS, Master degree course on orthopedics and trauma surgery had been started since 2003 BS. As the concept of NAMS arises as collective collaborative teaching units of different centers, departments of orthopedics of Bir hospital, Nepal army hospital and Patan hospital make a composite trauma teaching blocks. 

Department of Orthopedics in Bir Hospital had been divided into 4 units lead by senior consultant since 2009 AD. Now each unit has one senior consultant (Professor), consultants (Associate and Assistant Professor) and registrars (Clinical tutor) and residents. 

As an academic purpose it is divided into 5 clinical blocks. 3 blocks in Bir Hospital and one block in Nepal Army hospital and Patan hospital each. According to teaching blocks residents are divided and rotates every 4 months in rotation basis for clinical and academic exposure. 


Since 2003 AD, master of surgery in Orthopedics and trauma surgery had been started. Till date, more 10 batcheshave been passed out. This is a three-year residential course with two years prerequisite service from MBBS and equivalent. The degree conferred after the completion of the course is MS (Orthopedics and trauma surgery). 


Faculties of orthopedics and trauma surgery are as follows:

Bir Hospital: Department of orthopedics and trauma surgery

Prof. Dr. Ganesh Bahadur Gurung Chief Consultant
Prof. Dr. Shrikrishna Giri Chief Consultant
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Binod Sherchan Senior Consultant
Associate Prof. Dr. Bhoj Raj Adhikari Consultant
Assistant Prof. Dr. Deepak Dutta  
Assoc. Prof Dr. Raj Ram Maharjan  
Dr. Badri Rijal Senior Consultant
Clinical tutor Dr. Rishi Bist Senior Consultant
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gaurav Raj Dhakal Spine Surgeon
Clinical tutor Dr. Rajesh Chaudhary  
Asst. Prof. Dr. Santosh Paudel Consultant
Clinical tutor Dr. Gyanendra Shah  

Syllabus of MS orthopedics and Trauma surgery:

This is a three-year compact program. There are certain mandatory programs in the course. There are 5 mandatory courses. There are bedside teachings, lecture on topics and case discussions in 2 days a week, multidisciplinary seminar in every fortnight, journal club in every fortnight and grand round once in a week. Residents of each year have specific job description and duties. Each year residents has to attend the annual internal assessment examination. Pass mark is 50% and there must be 90% attendance recommended by teachers and verified by coordinator. The followings are the examination pattern and syllabus for the examination of residents. 

In the 1st year examination is basically based on

  1. Clinical skill,
  2. Applied basic science
  3. Basic trauma principle

In 2nd year annual examination

  1. Principles and practice of orthopedics
  2. Paediatric orthopedics
  3. Traumatology

In 3rd year annual examination consist of

  1. Applied Basic science
  2. Principles and Practice of orthopedics
  3. Recent advance and specialty

Entrance examination is based on MBBS syllabus and examination marks of SLC, HSB and MBBS marks are also counted and give aggregate marks for merit ranking. 15% marks are awarded by the Internal assessment (formative assessment) and remaining 85% marks are assessed in final examination. Thesis has to be approved by IRB(Institutional Review Board) of NAMS and passed by peer reviewers. Thesis has to be passed before final exit examination.

For the final examination residents has to complete the mandatory course of specific program.

Mandatory course

Mandatory course for the Orthopedics and trauma surgery course are

  1. Research methodology
  2. Medical education
  3. Trauma life support course
  4. Advance cardiac life support course
  5. Basic surgical skills course


The followings are the services given by the department of Orthopedics and trauma.

OPD service 6 days a week
Indoor Service 24 hours a day
Routine Operation 4 days a week
Emergency service 24 hours a day
Emergency operation service 24 hours a day
Clinical audit. Every day 8:30 to 9:30 AM

Future plan:

At the moment this department is providing the general orthopedics and trauma surgical service. Spine service is running. Specialty service units like sport medicine, adult reconstruction, foot ankle service, orthopedic oncology service, trauma services and hand and plastic service are launching in near future.

UNIT I (Sunday, Wednesday)
UNIT II (Sunday, Thursday)
UNIT III (Tuesday, Friday)