CTVS (Cardithoracic Vascular Surgery) unit is one of the specialization units in Bir Hospital. This service was started by prof. Dinesh Nath Gongal on 2024 (B.S.) by performing Close Mitral Valvotomy (CMV). Since then CTVS service used to be given by General Surgeons sporadically on their interest. later on this dedicated CTVS unit was started by prof. Dr. L.B. thapa and was strengthened by prof. Dr. D.P. Pokherel now the ctvs unit is running under prof. Dr. Kiran Shrestha. He is chief of the unit as well as the Co-ordinator of MCh CTVS program of NAMS.
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The future plan of CTVS unit is to extend the CTVS team and to run Cardiac Surgery on regular basis.