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Fifth Convocation 2081 (2025) Notice and Form(English form are only for Foreigner Candidate's) DM/MCH Clinical Practicle Exam Routine Asst. Prof. in Speech and Language Pathology Asst. Prof. in Audiology BSLP उम्मेदवारहरुकाे अन्तर्वाता सम्बन्धी सूचना Counseling Class Commencing date Contact Focal Person for BOVS Bhairahawa करार सेवामा पदपूर्ति सम्बन्धी विज्ञापन रद्द गरिएको तथा दरखास्त दस्तुर बुझिलिने सम्बन्धी सूचना । DM / MCh. Final Exam BASLP कार्यक्रम संञ्चालन गर्न करार सेवामा शिक्षक लिने सम्बन्धी सूचना Fellowship Entrance Exam Result 2081(2024) Result for Nursing Faculty सूचना Nursing Faculties Recruitment Written Exam Result 2081 Nursing Faculties Recruitment Written Exam Result 2081 Nursing Faculties Recruitment Written Exam Result 2081 Academic Activities Record Sheet सूचना Thesis Reminder Notice घर भाडा लिने सम्बन्धी सूचना सूचना Fellowship गराईने विषयहरु र सिट संख्या विभिन्‍न विषयमा Fellowship कार्यक्रममा भर्नासम्‍बन्धी सूचना MD Supplementary Exam 2081 लिखित परीक्षा सञ्‍चालन सम्बन्धी सूचना फार्मेसी सहायक(पांचौ तह) करार सेवामा कर्मचारी लिने सम्बन्धी सूचना फार्मेसी सहायक(पांचौ) Final Thesis Notice करार सेवामा नर्सिङ्ग शिक्षक लिने सम्बन्धि संशोधित सूचना परिपत्र एक वर्षे Anesthesia Assistance Course को अन्तिम परीक्षाको नतिजा करार सेवामा नर्सिङ्ग शिक्षक फारम करार सेवामा नर्सिङ्ग शिक्षक लिने सम्बन्धी सूचना Click To View Or Download Full Details Anesthesia Assistant Course विधार्थी भर्ना सम्वन्धि सूचना Click To View Or Download Anesthesia Assistant Course(AAC) Entrance Exam Result सूचना करार सेवाका लागि दरखास्‍त आव्‍हान सम्‍बन्‍धी सूचना MD/MS/MDS Regular/Supplementary Final Examination Result Orientation Program for MS/MSc MIT Students 2080/81 Batch Orientation Program for MD/MS/MDS Residents 2080/81 Batch Training in Medical Education for 2nd Year MD/MS/MDS Resident , MN 1st Year & MSc. MIT 1st Year Student MD/MS/MDS तहको अन्तिम परिक्षा को कार्यक्रम तथा परिक्षा फोर्म भर्ने सूचना २०८० उम्मेदवार सिफारिस सम्बन्धि सूचना करार सेवामा कर्मचारी लिने सम्बन्धि शैक्षिक सत्र २०८०/८१ प्रथम बर्षको अध्ययन कार्यक्रम सम्बन्धि सूचना मेडिकल अफिसर उमेदवार सिफारिस गरिएको सूचना प्रेस विज्ञप्ती संशोधित परिक्षा कार्यक्रम प्रकाशन गरिएको सूचना Exam Schedule !! Vacancy Announcement for ( Medical Officer and Staff Nurse) !!

Burns and Plastic Surgery Unit


The history of Burns and Plastic surgery services in Nepal was started in Bir hospital. The separate Burns and Plastic surgery unit was established in the year 1998 AD. It was proposed by Dr Keshav Das Joshi, senior consultant plastic surgeon. In his endeavor the first organized Burn Unit was established in 2000 A.D. with 10 beds including intensive care services in Bir hospital. The burns services are present need but there was no any thought or proposal for its upgrading. Upgrading of burns and plastic surgery is a need of the country. This unit is only a hope of the entire nation for burns and plastic surgery services in a minimum/free of cost.

The Burns and Plastic Surgery Unit have its two different wards for specialized services: Acute Adult Burn Ward and Plastic Surgery ward (Male and Female). Nurses and other staffs of this unit are trained and competent within burns and plastic surgery to care the patients. Many of them have specialist skills to provide special care.

Acute Burn ward is a comprehensive ward with an intensive care ward and separate room for each patient. There are two operative theatres but only one is in function due to lack of human resources. We operate twice a week, once a week for major surgery and the other day for intermediate and minor surgery. We run out- patients clinic twice a week.

We are also creating public awareness on burn prevention to reduce the burn incidence through NGOs / Press. Burn Victim Survivor Nepal is one of our friends to support in various works and services.

Existing situation of Burns Services in Nepal

Most of the hospitals in Nepal are either deficient or absent in facilities to treat burn injury. Patients with major burn injury need immediate specialized care to minimize morbidity, mortality and disabilities but it is lacking in Nepal. Every year more than 50 thousand people suffer from various types of burn injuries and most of them lose their life and rests are forced to survive with lifelong trauma. So time has come to upgrade the services of burns and plastic surgery in Bir Hospital and to make these services out of Kathmandu.

The plastic surgery

Patient of trauma who are in need of reconstructive services, skin cancer, post burn deformities and general plastic surgery cases are admitted in plastic surgery ward. Plastic surgery unit provides the general and reconstructive plastic surgery as per need.

The plastic surgery ward is taken care by the nurses and assistant staffs of the Urosurgery , Gastrosurgery and Paying surgery ward . There are no separate nurses for plastic surgery. The unit is facing lots of difficulties to maintain the services with existing human resource and facilities.

Objectives of Burns and Plastic surgery Unit Bir Hospital

  • To train the health workers in Burn Prevention Program, to reduce the incidence of burns.
  • To train doctors, nurses and general practitioners in Burn Care, Rehabilitation and Preventive aspects.
  • To help to establish burn centers in district and zonal hospitals of Nepal. The centers will co-ordinate with the Burns and Plastic surgery Unit of Bir Hospital for specialized treatment.
  • To conduct researches on burn care.
  • To establish the relationship with various international burn centers to upgrade the knowledge and to improve the Burns and Plastic surgery services in Nepal.
  • To renew the relationship with Royal Perth Hospital and Rotary international (They are continuously helping our burn ward since last decades).

Services of Burns and Plastic Surgery Unit

Academic activities:

  • MCh plastic surgery Post graduate training is started with the collaboration of Phect Nepal.
  • Training on Burn care is given to Post Graduate Surgical Residents of NAMS (National Academy of Medical Sciences).
  • Medical graduates from abroad are doing their electives in Burns and Plastic surgery.
  • Nursing students from different Nursing Institutes are trained during their internship. Elective clinical placements from different country.

Clinical activities:

  • 24 hours Burn Patient care throughout the year.
  • Burn patient get all modalities of treatment in this unit including Intensive Care services for acutely Burn Patients.
  • Own operation theatre.
  • Plastic and Reconstructive surgery.
  • Physiotherapy service to Burn patients
  • Oncoplastic surgery

Hospital beds for Burns and plastic Surgery Unit

Total allocated beds only for burns and platic surgery unit: 19 beds. Other patients can be admitted in Paying surgery ward and Private cabins. Specified beds are:

Acute Burn ward: 3 Intensive care beds and 6 sepate cabins

Plastic SurgeryWard: Male: these are general beds .5 (Five) beds; Female: 5 (Five beds)

Reconstructive surgery and cases with skin tumor are admitted in the plastic surgery ward. There are nine beds for acute burns. Plastic surgery cases can be admitted in paying surgical wards.

Details of the existing staffs

Doctor (Plastic Surgeon)One (1)
NursesSix (6)
DressersTwo (2)
AssistantSix (6)
There are no any nursing staffs for plastic surgery ward. The nursing care is provided by Nurses on duty of separate ward.


  • Lack of human resources.
  • Poor patient unable to afford the treatment cost.
  • Autonomy to recruit/to replace defined number of low/middle skilled manpower by the department /unit in service contract basis.
  • Inadequate number of burn beds to meet the current demands for burns services.
  • Inadequate doctors (Plastic surgeon, General surgeon Residents), Nurses and physiotherapist in Burns and Plastic Surgery Unit.
  • Lack of rooms for nurses, assistant staff, classes and for visitors.

Solutions to overcome difficulties

Future Plan

The need for an upgraded ward within the Burns Unit for patients coming in the emergency department of Bir hospital has become an urgent need. It should be tackled immediately to save many burn victims. So we recommend the following suggestions to upgrade Burns and Plastic Surgery Unit.

  • Upgrading Burn and plastic surgery unit by increasing the existing Burn ward bed to at least 50 beds. With 10 burns ICU.
  • Increasing Plastic surgery Beds by 20
  • Provision of post operative beds for Plastic surgery cases.
  • To develop Burns and Plastic surgery unit as a National Burn training centre for all level burns care providers. ( doctor, nurse and paramedical staffs)
  • Provision of Intensive care physician in Burn Ward.
  • To establish a Skin Bank in Bir hospital in future with the technical and financial co-operation of various national and international organization.(Need of Skin Bank)

Supporting organizations:

BVS Nepal, Royal Perth Hospital Australia; Rotary International and friends of Bir Hospital Burns and Plastic Surgery Unit.

Contact Person

Dr Peeyush Dahal

Burns & Plastic Surgery Unit

Bir Hospital